Argyle Pink Diamond Tender
The Argyle Diamond Tender
The Annual Argyle Pink Diamond Tender is an invitation-only event highly anticipated by master jewellers around the world since its inception in 1984. During this special event, the finest fifty to sixty Pink Diamonds are unveiled in several private showings across the globe.
Buyers are invited to place a sealed, silent bid for their chosen gemstones, each of which is listed with a reserve price. Once all bids are received and the tender deadline has expired, the highest bidder for each stone is notified online and invited to collect their precious Argyle Tender Diamond, whether to create a new and spectacular piece, or to add to their collection, waiting for inspiration to strike.
Contact us to Learn MoreIt would take approximately fifteen years to accumulate enough Argyle Pink Signature Tender diamonds to fill a champagne flute; a rarity by an standard.
Argyle Tender Diamonds
Not just any diamond makes it into the Annual Pink Diamond Tender. In fact, for every one million carats of rough diamonds produced, a mere one polished carat ever makes its way into the tender. Suitable diamonds are generally at least 0.5 carats in weight, after being cut, polished, and certified by two independent grading specialists.
During these rigorous tests, the hue, saturation and colour of the diamonds are also determined. Colours can range from blue, red and the most beautiful pinks. This intense scrutiny of each diamond and the control over its mining, manufacturing, and marketing means that their new custodians can be assured of their ethical trade credentials.
Furthermore, each diamond is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. As the Argyle Pink Diamond mine has reached the end of its production, these exquisite stones are rarer and more collectible than ever before.
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